Below are links to a selection of feature articles written by Clive Fewins over the past 20 years for national magazines and newspapers.
The Miller’s Tale
written for the Sunday Telegraph
July 2011
Learning To Brave The Dragon
written for the Sunday Telegraph
May 2011
The Sound Of The Outback
written for the Sunday Telegraph
March 2010
Consulting The Coracle
written for the Sunday Telegraph
December 2009
Romance In The Stone
written for the Sunday Telegraph
August 2009
A selection of feature articles relating to Clive’s interest in building conservation and architecture written for national magazines are also available in the
Building Conservation section.
Forts That Count
written for The Telegraph Weekend
January 2008
An Expert In His Fields
written for The Telegraph Weekend
February 2007
Ancient Wells With Tales To Spill
written for The Telegraph Weekend
December 2006
The Branches of Immortality
written for The Financial Times Weekend
August 1998
Hestercombe Gardens
written for the Daily Telegraph
Autumn 1996
Be Inspired
written for In Britain Magazine
August/September 2007
Mystery & History
written for the Country Gentleman’s Association Magazine
February 2006
Forgotten Spas Of England
written for The Guardian/Time Out
December 1996
Romney Marsh
a travel piece on its churches written for The Times
August 1995
Dorset Xmas Walk
written for The Times Weekend Review
Xmas 2004
The Poets’ Walk
written for The Independent
July 1997